Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I won't tell them your name

Instead of sitting down and shifting through the painstaking process of trying to think of the perfect name, and surname, for each and every person I ever name in this blog, journal, memoir. . . thing, I am making one up, just off the top of my head. Every time I come to a point on my written journey in which I would like to talk about a certain person, I just use the first name, that is not their own, that comes to my mind. It’s been working out pretty spectacularly so far and hopefully it will throw people off enough so they at the very least, have a hard time identifying who each person is. Not that I am afraid of anyone knowing who or what they are in this toxic wasteland I call my mind. I’m just trying to take everyone’s feelings into consideration. This way, if anything thing ever does come of all this writing I’ve been doing, I don’t have to worry about people getting their feelings hurt and taking it out on me, or my publishers. (My we’re getting cocky aren’t we?) Also, it makes it harder for any of those people with hurt feelings to sue me, for hurting their reputation or whatever it is people sue other people for in these kind of situation.

Side note: We must figure out why it is that I talk this way. Starting off normal enough, they I try to get fancy, only to go back to sounding like a normal young adult. Seriously, what’s up with that?

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