Thursday, July 29, 2010

When I got scared, the Rain Man would come and sing to me

I had a dream like Rainman, well it reminded me of Rainman. That in a way would seem like I completely ripped off Rainman, if I was in fact trying to publish this story. There was this mentally challenged man, more autistic I think, then anything else. I was there, playing the sympathetic neighbor, to the Tom Cruise type, brother character of this man. He had the strangest, modern, even futuristic apartment, with cramped hallways and a large kitchen. And there was this bathroom (yes I kid you not) that he guarded. There was this crazy vault like door that he wouldn’t even allow us to touch. Anyway, one day the Tom Cruise character, not only touched the door, but somehow got into that room, seeing that it was a bathroom (now I have no idea what was so important/sacred about this bathroom, I just know it meant a lot to Rainman) Well when Rainman found TC, he was NOT happy, he threw a fit! [You know now that I think of it Rainman was more strange, quirky then actually mentally challenged, I actually think it changed through out the dream, and as of right now we’re just going to think of a tortured (turned crazy) old man type without actually being an old man (maybe even Boo Radley type)] Once again ANYWAY, Rainman pulled TC out of there, closed the door and TC muttered something about their parents. [Apparently something of significance happened to their parents in a bathroom (once again I would like to point out the Rainman reference) man I am an unoriginal dreamer] Well in any case, a fight broke out, well as much of a fight as two very poorly adjusted brothers, one with some kind of mental, block, and the other some kind of ex-jock, so as you probably could have guessed it wasn’t a fair fight. Especially considering Rainman was just defending his territory where as TC was just taking out his anger, which isn’t fair. Well I step in, or me in the story/dream thing, and break up the right and comfort Rainman, and completely maddog TC. The whole left side of Rainman’s face was red and starting to swell, so I sat him down and applied ice. After that I’m not really sure what happened because I found myself in another dream.

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